
“Doctor, my right foot big toe joint part is very painful, all red and swollen. My friend said it is caused by gout, so it is so painful. Now I cannot walk properly.” The patient said, He walked into the doctor’s office with his right leg.
“Oh? What food did you eat these days?” doctor asked patient slowly.
“I drank soy milk and ate fritters for breakfast yesterday. In the afternoon I had Bak Kut Teh and there were ribs, liver and shiitake mushrooms in the afternoon. I had dinner with friends, some beer, and some peanuts. I felt incredible pains in the middle of the night”, said patient.
In fact, this is a typical symptom of Gouty Arthritis. Patients generally consume Purine foods, and purines are broken down into uric acid in the body and accumulate in the body. When uric acid accumulates in the body, sharp uric acid crystals can accumulate in some joints, causing gout. Frequently affected joints include big toes, ankles, heels, and knees. This is what people often say “high uric acid,” or gouty arthritis. Too much uric acid will also form tophi or kidney stones.
Under normal conditions, uric acid can be decomposed in the blood and excreted through the urine. However, in some cases, uric acid accumulates in the blood, causing hyperuricemia. This includes some people themselves producing excessive uric acids.
Some patients with impaired renal function are facing difficulties in removing their blood uric acids. Of course, eating too much food containing high purine can also cause such symptoms too.

High-purine foods include soybeans, peanuts, chicken livers, liver, mushrooms, beer and so on. If you know you have medical history of hyperuricemia, try to avoid eating above-mentioned food.
The most obvious symptom of gout is joint pain, and sometimes it may even turn red and swollen. During an acute attack, the patient could not even walk, and the joint mobility was significantly reduced. Some patients even find a large number of uric acid crystals (tophi) at their joints. If it is not treated on time, their joints may be damaged or even deformed and affect daily life in future. Chronic gout may decrease kidney function and potentially cause kidney failure.
So far, gout still cannot be completely cured. In general, treatment is divided into diet control and drug control. Patients need to reduce hyperpurine foods to lower blood uric acid levels. In the event of acute gout, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve pain symptoms. In some cases, steroids can also be used to control inflammation. Anti-gout drugs such as colchicine can also be taken within 12 hours of an acute attack, with significant results. Of course, when you want to use these medicines, please consult your own family doctor and follow the doctor’s instructions.
“Hey! Doctor, this can’t be eaten. That can’t be eaten. Then there is no meaning in life anymore?” The patient’s grieved before his departure.

Each kind of food has its own nutritional value. It does not mean hyperuricemia patients completely stop eating all kind of foods. Otherwise they will miss some vital nutrition altogether. All things must be done on balanced way, neither stop eating all types of food; nor over eating. As long as there are adequate controls on diet, there will be no problem then.