Intestinal Metaplasia Increases Risk of Cancer 10 Times.

Intestinal metaplasia increases risk of cancer 10 times.
I am 45 years old this year. I had a gastroscopy done last October. The test reported that I suffered chronic gastritis, no cancer cells, no Helicobacter pylori infection, but I have intestinal metaplasia. Medical report didn’t mention it happened in small intestine or large intestine. The doctor advised me to do another gastroscopy 3 years later.

Intestinal metaplasia is a serious medical condition?
Intestinal metaplasia, refers to the situation whereby chronic superficial gastritis has transformed into chronic atrophic gastritis. The intestinal mucosa-like cells appearing in the epithelium of stomach mucosa, reversing the normal secretion functions of stomach mucosa to absorption functions.
Because stomach mucosa continuously absorbs harmful substances, or cannot remove harmful substances timely, in long run, some patients’ gastric mucosa can accumulate a certain amount of carcinogenic substances. When stomach mucosa exposing to carcinogens for long-term period, it might lead to cancer eventually.

What is the likelihood of getting stomach cancer?
Intestinal metaplasia is one of the intermediate steps on cancer development, hence it can be regarded as a precancerous lesion. It has increased the risk of getting stomach cancer by 10 times. However, the prognosis of intestinal metaplasia is different, depending on their subtypes.

What should I pay attention to? Or what foods should I take? What foods should be avoided?
Since intestinal metaplasia is closely related to stomach cancer, regular gastroscopy should be done to monitor health conditions and prevent cancer.
The previous test results did not detect Helicobacter pylori infection. This is a good thing, because this bacteria infection is considered as one of the important factors that causing intestinal metaplasia and stomach cancer. As far as diet is concerned, salty foods and foods containing nitrite should be avoided. In addition, smoking and drinking habits should be stopped as well. On the other hand, consuming high-fibre diet can reduce the risk of stomach cancer.
I rarely eat fried foods, salted fish, and pickled products. This can help in reducing the chances of getting stomach cancer?
Studies have shown that fried, high-salt, and pickled foods are likely to increase the risk of stomach cancer, thus reducing the intakes of these foods, certainly will help to bring down the risk.