Benign Breast Cysts

Case study 1 :
I am 36 years old this year. I am still single and have been living on normal lifestyle. I often do exercise and take light diets. I seldom staying up late. Why breast cysts kept on troubling me?
In Year 2010, after my self-examination, I have found two growths resembling small fluid-filled balloons within my right breast. Later, my gynecologist confirmed the presence of breast cysts. At that time, the doctor used a needle for draining fluids out of these 2 cysts. The tissues were drawn and tested as a benign cyst.
In March of last year, the same condition reappeared. There were 3 cysts found within the right breast. I went to the same clinic this time. The doctor used the same method to remove the fluids of 3 cysts. Doctor explained to me, the cysts were caused by hormone changes.

However, on July last year, only 4 months later, the same cyst appeared again. This time it was on both sides of the breast, i.e. 4 on the right and 3 on the left breast. The previous doctor’s suggested to me, we just doing some observations for the time being. Should there any discomfort taking place later, then I can remove the cysts. Now I am rather worried, wondering whether these 7 cysts will deteriorate further?
Q1: What is the root cause of this medical condition?
Is there any way to resolve this problem?
Q2: What if the cysts deteriorate in future?
Will these cysts evolve into breast cancer?
Q3: At present, should I drain out the fluids of these seven cysts?

Answers from doctor :
Breast cysts are caused by changes of estrogens in the body along with aging or menstrual cycles, which resulting hyperplasia of breast tissues and accumulation of secretions.
Breast cysts can be divided into three types, namely simple cysts, complex cysts, and complicated cysts. Simple cysts are the most common type.
There is no specific reason for the occurrence of breast cysts, most of which are caused by hormonal changes or due to the consequences of taking any hormone-stimulating drugs.
Most breast cysts are simple cysts and are benign in nature. This condition does not evolve into breast cancer. Cystic tumors are very rare and require biopsy to determine whether the cyst is a benign fibrocystic disease or a solid cystic breast cancer.
Benign cysts need no treatment. However, if there are any pains, swelling, and other symptoms, this means that the cyst may have become inflamed. At that moment, it is necessary to withdraw fluids from the cysts or take antibiotics.
Breast cysts can be easily distinguished by ultrasound scanning. If you have breast cysts, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible. Let the doctor perform 3 breast examinations for you, that is, an inquiry, an ultrasound scan or a mammogram, and a biopsy.