For the sake of sexual drive,
men should not be over consuming these five types of food!

Fifth Place: Fried Food
Consequence: Reduce male hormone secretion
Cause: Hydrogenation of vegetable oils converts the oil into a solid state, which contains trans fats. In terms of the degree of negative impacts, trans fats are considered more than saturated fats. Chips and other fried foods, cookies, and cookies contain trans fats. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that trans fatty acids can increase “bad cholesterol” and increase the risk of heart disease. At the same time, trans fatty acids also reduce the production of male hormones, negatively affect sperm, and interrupt sperm responses in the body.

Fourth Place: Soybean
Consequences: Affecting male sexuality, reducing sperm count
Cause: Soybean is a food containing estrogen-like properties. Excessive intake increases estrogen levels in the body and thus affects male sexuality. Researchers believe that the chemical components contained in soybeans can “simulate” the function of the estradiol, leading to a decrease of sperm count.
Measure: Pay attention to the amount of consumption. The key is to avoid “overdose” condition, as long as it is not a large amount of daily intake, it will not be regarded as excessive.

Third Place: Refined Flour
Consequences: Erectile Dysfunction
Cause: About three quarters of zinc will be lost during the process of making whole bread, and zinc is crucial for the cultivation of libido and the health of reproduction system. The highest zinc reserves of human body are found in prostate. A high-zinc-diet can help in preventing prostate enlargement.
Measure: Eat less refined food, eat more whole grains!

Second Place: High-Fat Milk
Consequences: Susceptibility to prostate cancer
Cause: Men whose daily intake of calcium exceeds 600 mg through dairy products have a 32% higher risk of prostate cancer than men who consume less than 150 mg of calcium per day! Daily intake of calcium through dairy products will inhibit vitamin D levels of blood. This vitamin is an important nutrient; besides that, vitamin D is also a hormone that can prevent the proliferation of prostate cancer tumour cells, thereby preventing prostate cancer.
Measure: Pay more attention to dietary health, such as eating less meat, exercising regularly and eating more low-fat foods and fruits and vegetables.

First Place: Red Meat
Consequences: Erectile Dysfunction
Cause: Red meat (beef, bacon, sausage, luncheon meat) can’t make you strong. Saturated fats and cholesterol make blood vessels narrow, including blood vessels that carry blood to sexual sites. When blood sex is insufficient, it is difficult to climax!
Measure: Eat more oysters! It has long been known as “a famous brand of love,” and science has indeed proved this tradition. Two to three oysters can meet the body’s demand for zinc throughout the day, and zinc is precisely an important mineral source that maintains the normal function of the male reproductive system. Zinc will make men “sexy”!